Federal state budgetary institution of science,
the Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of the Siberian Branch of
the Russian Academy of Sciences (IWEP SB RAS) is the first academic Institute
in the Altai. The founder of the Institute is the Russian Federation.
Currently, the Federal Agency for scientific organizations exercises the
founders functions and powers. Prior to 2014, IWEP SB RAS was a part of the
Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch). The Institute operates under the
scientific and methodical leadership of the Department of Earth Sciences RAS
and the United Scientific Council of SB RAS on Earth Sciences.
IWEP SB RAS was founded in 1987 on the base of
laboratories of the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, involved
in natural resources and environmental studies. These were the laboratory of hydrophysics
and ecology of water bodies (Institute of Hydrodynamics), laboratory of ecology
and nature management (Institute of Geography), laboratory of water problems (United
Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineralogy), laboratory of methods of
adaptation of automated control systems (Computing Center), laboratory of
biogeochemistry (Institute of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry), and the
laboratory of water-economic problems (Energy Systems Institute). The Institute
was founded due to the increasing need for the establishment of the research
center in Siberia to expand and to coordinate the environmental research and
the activities on the conservation and management of water and other natural