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Dr. Konstantin Koshelev
Ph.D in physical-mathematical sciences, associate professor


Phone: (3852) 66-79-83
Mail to

Research interests

  • Mathematical modelling
  • Computing gas dynamics and hydrodynamics

Education and qualification

  • 1977-1982 – the Altay polytechnical institute of I.I.polzunova.
  • 1990 – dissertation protection «Mathematical modelling of a flow of a spherical particle reactive gas» on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences on a speciality 01.02.05 – mechanics of a liquid, gas and plasma, Tomsk university, Tomsk.
  • 2002 – a rank of the senior lecturer on chair «Applied mathematics»

Post-graduate student´s supervision

  •  2001 – Solodky O. G, Cand.Tech.Sci.

International conferences and grants

  • International conferences
    •  2007 – The VI Regional Workshop "Water resources and water use problems in Central Asia and the Caucasus 2008 - 8th International congress« Water: ecology and technology »ÝÊÂÀÒÝÊ-2008.
  • International grants
    • 1998-2001 TEMPUS-project" Siberian Educational Reform to assist Environmental Protection "2002-2005 - Project INTAS-2001-768" Water quality management information tools for river basins based on environmental and economic considerations ".


The most significant publications

1,Molodyoznaya St., Barnaul 656038,
Altai Krai, Russia

Phone: (3852) 66-64-60
Fax: (3852) 24-03-96