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Olga Lovtskaya


Phone: (3852) 66-65-01
Mail to


Research interests
  • Mathematical statistics
  • Geoinformation systems
  • Databases
  • Spatial data infrastructure. Water quality
  • GIS application in hydrologic research

Education and qualification
  • 1968-1975 – I.I.Polzunov Altai State Technical University (specialty: "Applied mathematics").

Employment History:
  • 1973-1984 – engineer of I.I.Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Barnaul.
  • 1984-1987 – researcher of Computer Centre at IWEP SB RAS, Barnaul.
  • Since 1987 – senior researcher at IWEP SB RAS, Barnaul. 

International conferences and grants

  • The international conference "The problems of sustainable development of a society and vital forces evolution of Siberian population at the turn of XX - XXI centuries ": December 15-19, 1997, Barnaul
  • The international conference "GIS for optimization of nature management for sustainable territory development ": July 1-4, 1998, Barnaul
  • 2006, 2002 - International conference" Environmental observations, modeling and information systems as tools for urban/regional pollution mitigation, Tomsk
  • The international scientific conference "Fundamental problems of water and water resources at the turn of the third millennium", September 3-7, 2000, Tomsk
  • 2006 - The Russian-Chinese seminar "Geoinformation provision for steady development of Big Altai", the Altai region
  • 2008 - InterCarto/InterGIS 14: Sustainable development of territories: GIS theory and practical experience, Urumchi, Lhasa (Peoples Republic of China)

Software certificates
  • Calculation of analytical frequency curves"("Hydrostatistics"): RF certificate ¹ 200060667 / authors: V.A.Zhorov, E.K.Vorob´ev, O.V.Lovtskaya, G.Yakovchenko; legal owner: Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;  application  ¹ 2000610563; date of receipt: June 13, 2000; registered in the Software Register 20.07.2000.
  • Calculation of maximum spring- and rain flood runoff from unstudied rivers (« FloodHigh »)": RF certificate ¹ 200161105; authors: V.A.Zhorov, E.K.Vorob´ev, O.V.Lovtskaya, G.Yakovchenko; legal owner: Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; application  ¹ 2001610547; date of receipt: May 4, 2001; registered in the Software Register 20.08.2001.
  • Calculation of morphometric data of river´s cross section
  • (Morfostvor)": RF certificate ¹ 20026103623; authors: V.A.Zhorov, E.K.Vorob´ev, O.V.Lovtskaya, G.Yakovchenko; legal owner: Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; application  ¹ 2002610324; date of receipt: March 6, 2002; registered in the Software Register 26.04.2002.
  • (YERSINIA)" Software for the clinical-and-epidemiological analysis of a pseudotuberculosis"; RF certificate ¹ 2003611830; authors: O.V.Lovtskaya, A.S.Obert, L.A.Strozenko; legal owners: Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Altai State Medical University, RF  Ministry of Health ; application: ¹ 2003611176; date of receipt: June 2, 2003; registered in the Software Register 31.07.2003.
  • Altai Krai Register of Water Objects: RF certificate ¹ 2007611012; authors: I.V.Zherelina, O.V.Lovtskaya, I.V.Postnova, G.Ykovchenko, V.I.Kormakov; legal owner: Institute for Water and Environmental Problems of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; application ¹ 2007610102; date of receipt: January 9, 2007; registered in the Software Register: March 6, 2007


The most significant publications

1,Molodyoznaya St., Barnaul 656038,
Altai Krai, Russia

Phone: (3852) 66-64-60
Fax: (3852) 24-03-96