1. Shibkikh └.└. Algorithm of landscape information transformation for mathematical modeling // Geography: new methods and prospects for development: Proceedings of the XV Conference of young scientists from Siberia and Far East. – Irkutsk: IG Publishing House, 2003. – P. 173-175.
2. Khlebovich I.A., Rotanova I.N., Shibkikh A.A., Kurepina N.Yu. System medical–ecological mapping // Ecological Journal of Siberia. – 2003. – No 2. – P. 193-204.
3. Rotanova I.N., Andreeva I.V., Pestova L.V., Purdik L.N., Garmsk O.Ya., Shibkikh A.A. Landscape approach to the establishment of the system of special protected territories in Altai Krai and its information-cartographical provision // Polzunov Vestnik. – 2003. – No 1–2. – P. 99-112
4. Rotanova I.N., Mikhailov S.A., Shibkikh A.A. Basin-landscape approach in geoinformation mapping and hydrological modeling // Intercarto 9: GIS for sustainable development of territories. – Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, 2003. – P. 124-127.
5. Shibkikh A.A. Approaches to compute-aid use of information of landscape maps in ecological research // Intercarto 9: GIS for sustainable development of territories. – Novorossiysk, Sevastopol, 2003. – P. 430-432.
6. Rotanova I.N., Mikhailov S.A, Shibkikh A.A. Problems and approaches to the unification of cartographic GIS information in hydrological modeling / Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Digital Earth: Digital Earth – Information Resources for Global Sustainability. Brno, Masaryk University, 2003. – P. 187.
7. Rotanova I.N., Shibkikh A.A., Vedukhina V.G. Geoinformation provision of regional water-ecological mapping by an example of rivers and reservoirs of the Upper Ob basin. // Sustainable development of territories: geoinformation provision and practical experience. – Prcd. Of Int. Conf. "Intercarto/InterGIS 10: Sustainable development of territories: geoinformation provision and practical experience". – Vladivostok–Chan–Chun, 2004. – P. 210-213.
8. Rotanova I.N., Mikhailov S.A., Shibkikh A.A. Formalization of cartographic information for GIS and hydrological modeling: problems and approaches. / Izvestia of Higher Schools. Journal of Geodesy and Air Photography. 2004. No 3. P. 157-163.
9. Khltbovich I.A., Kurepina N.Yu., Purdik L.N., Rotanova I.N., Shibkikh A.A. Information base for the analysis of medical-ecological comfort of river basins // Geography and Natural Resources. – 2005. – No 1. – P. 132-137.
10. Zinoviev A.T., Marusin K.V., Shibkikh A.A., Shlychkov V.A., Zatinatsky M.V. Modeling of channel processes for the assessment of the channel clearing effect // Polzunov Vestnik. No 2–1. 2006. – P. 197-203.
11. Zinoviev A.T., Marusin K.V., Shibkikh A.A., Shlychkov V.A., Zatinatsky M.V. Mathematical modeling of flow dynamics and channel deformation in the r.Ob site near Barnaul city // Polzunov Vestnik. No 2–1. 2006. – P. 204-209.
12. Zinoviev A.T., Marusin K.V., Shibkikh A.A., Shlychkov V.A., Zatinatsky M.V. Computer simulation of channel processes at the multi–branch channel of r.Katun near Verkh–Katunskoye settlement // Polzunov Vestnik. No 4-2. 2006. – P. 72-76.
13. Zatinatsky M.V., Zinoviev A.T., Shibkikh A.A. Computer-aid forecast of ecological-economic damage caused by breaking waves. // Current problems of man–made lakes and their basins: Prcd. of Int. scientific-practical Conference / Perm University Publishing House – Perm, 2007. – Vol. II. – P. 119-124.
14. Zinoviev A.T., Marusin K.V., Shibkikh A.A., Shlychkov V.A., Zatinatsky M.V. Computer modeling of river bed evolution (rivers of Altai Krai as case study) // Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on River Sedimentation. Volume III. Moscow, 2007. P. 463-470.
15. Baldakov A.I., Galakhov V.P., Zinoviev A.T., Marusin K.V., Shibkikh A.A. Hydrological investigations for the establishment of boundaries of water protection zones and riverside shelter belts of rivers in Republic of Altai (according to a new Water Code of the Russian Federation) // In: World of Science, Culture and Education. No 4 (7). 2007. P. 4-8.
16. Zinoviev A.T., Marusin K.V., Shibkikh A.A., Kudishin A.V., Zatinatsky M.V. Computer simulation of stream processes to increase water intake on Altai Krai rivers // Proceedings of the VI regional workshop "Water resources and water use problem in Central Asia and the Caucasus". Barnaul, 2008. P. 135-144.
17. Shibkikh A.A. GIS application for studying the extreme situations on rivers (by the example of the rivers of the Upper Ob basin) // Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress "GEO-SIBERIA-2008". Vol.1, Part II. Novosibirsk, 2008. P. 128-132.
18. Shibkikh A.A. Use of digital model of river valley elevation for channel processes modeling (by the example of rivers of Altai Krai) // Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress "GEO-SIBERIA-2008". Vol.1, Part II, Novosibirsk, 2008. P. 226-230.
19. Purdik L.N., Chervyakov V.A., Shibkikh A.A. Factors and cartographical analysis of landscape diversity in Altai Krai // Geography and Natural Resources. – No1. – 2008. – P. 156-161.