1. Zinoviev, A.T. A structure of stochastic trajectories of the Lorenz’ system / A.T. Zinoviev, V.N. Shtern // Numerical Methods of Solid State Mechanics. – 1983. V. 14. No 1. – P. 51-60. (in Russian).
2. Zinoviev, A.T. Structural analysis of liquid flowing in a viscous sublayer / A.T. Zinoviev // Hydrodynamics and Acoustics of One- and Two- Phase Flows. – Novosibirsk: IT SB USSR AS Publishing House, 1983. P. 62-65. (in Russian).
3. Zinoviev, A.T. Three Harmonic Self-Oscillations in Couette-Poiseuille flow / A.T. Zinoviev, A.M. Lifshits // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. – 1985. No 4. P. 43-46.
4. Zinoviev, A.T. Secondary Self-Oscillations in Hartmann flow in Channel and Boundary Layer / A.T. Zinoviev, V.N. Shtern // Magnetic Hydro Dynamics. – 1987. No 2. P. 29-36. (in Russian).
5. Zinoviev, A.T. Resonance Instability of Asymptotic Boundary Layer with Suction / Current Problems of Thermo Physics. Novosibirsk: IT SB USSR AS Publishing House, 1987. P. 265-272. (in Russian).
6. Zinoviev, A.T. Mathematical modeling of temperature stratification in a deep water basin / A.T. Zinoviev, A.A. Kuzmin, I.E. Masliev // Proc. “Application of Computers in Hydrotechnics and Water Source Protection”. – Varna: BAS, 1990. P. 346-355.
7. Vasiliev, O.F. Mathematical Modeling of Hydro-Thermal processes in Deep Water Reservoirs / O.F. Vasiliev, O.B. Bocharov, A.T. Zinoviev // Hydraulic Engineering Constraction. 1991. – No 7. P. 3-5. (in Russian).
8. Zinoviev, A.T. Modeling of Wind Impacts on Thermal Stratification of a Deep Reservoir / A.T. Zinoviev, A.A. Kuzmin // Siberian Physicotechnical Journal. 1991. – No 4. P. 154-157. (in Russian).
9. Bocharov, O.B. Mathematical modeling of hydrothermal processes of deep-water reservoirs / O.B. Bocharov, O.F. Vasiliev, A.T. Zinoviev // Proc. XXIV IAHR Congress “Refined flow. Modeling. Vol. C.” Madrid: CEDEX, 1991. P. 467-476.
10. Bocharov, O.B. Influence of Selective Withdrawal on Annual Thermal Regime of a Deep Reservoir / O.B. Bocharov, A.T. Zinoviev // Water Resources. 1992. No 5. P. 52-59. (in Russian).
11. Vasiliev, O.F. Mathematical modeling of sedimentation in deep reservoir / O.F., Vasiliev, Yu.N. Kopylov, A.A. Kuzmin, A.T. Zinoviev // Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering. Edited by Sam S.Y. Wang. – Washington. – 1993. Vol. 1. Part A. – P. 853-859.
12. Vasiliev, O.F. A mathematical model of dissolved substances migration in the reservoir-waterlogged soil system / O.F. Vasiliev, A.T. Zinoviev, P.V. Ivanov, S.A. Sukhenko // Water Resources. 1993. V. 20. – N 6. P. 701 – 706. (in Russian).
13. Zinoviev, A.T. Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic Processes in a Deep Reservoir / A.T. Zinoviev, P.V. Ivanov, Yu.N. Kopulov, A.A. Kuzmin, I.E. Masliev // Computational technologies. – Novosibirsk: ICT SB RAS Publishing House, 1993. – P. 104-113. (in Russian).
14. Atavin, A.A. Mathematical modeling of hydrotechnical impact construction influence on hydrothermal and ice cover behavior of rivers / A.A. Atavin, A.T. Zinoviev, A.V. Kudishin // Advances in Hydro-Science and Engineering. Edited by Sam S.Y. Wang. – Washington. – 1993. Vol. 1. Part A. – 1993. P. 1019-1024.
15. Zinoviev, A.T. Modeling of vertical turbulent exchange in stratified water basin / A.T. Zinoviev, S.N. Iakovenko / Mathematical Problems of Ecology. – Novosibirsk: IM SB RAS Publishing House, 1994. – P. 37-42. (in Russian).
16. Zinoviev, A.T. One-Dimensional Vertical Model of Sedimentation Process in a Deep Reservoir / A.T. Zinoviev, Yu.N. Kopulov, A.A. Kuzmin // Water Resources. 1995. – V. 22. No 6. P. 676-683. (in Russian).
17. Atavin, A.A. Mathematical modeling of hydrotechnical construction influence on hydrothermal and ice cover behavior of rivers / A.A. Atavin, A.V. Kudishin, A.T. Zinoviev // Inzynieria Srodowiska VIII: Zeszyty Naukove Akademii Rolniczey we Wroclawiu. NR 301. 1996. P. 15-23.
18. Zinoviev, A.T. Modeling of vertical turbulent exchange in wall stratified flow / A.T. Zinoviev, S.N. Iakovenko // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics. – 1998. V. 39. No 6. – P. 57-64.
19. Atavin, A.A. Mathematical modeling of hydrothermal and ice regimes on regulated part of river / A.A. Atavin, A.T. Zinoviev, A.V. Kudishin // Proc. Intern. Conf. ‘Fundamental problems of water and water resources at the turn of the third millennium”. – Tomsk: TF IGNG SB RAS Publishing House, 2000. P. 371-375. (in Russian).
20. Zinoviev, A.T. Modeling of temperature stratification of Lake Teletskoye / A.T. Zinoviev // Main regularities of global and regional changes of climate and environment in late Age of Mammals of Siberia. Novosibirsk: IAE SB RAS Publishing House, 2002. Part 1. – P. 212-216. (in Russian).
21. Atavin, A.A. Hydrothermal and ice regimes in Krapivino hydrosystem reaches. Forecast and management problems / A.A. Atavin, A.T. Zinoviev, A.V. Kudishin // Polzunov Vestnik. 2004. No 2. P. 39-44. (in Russian).
22. Atavin, A.A. Assessment of ice cover effect in the tailrace of Novosibirsk hydroengineering complex on its operation and discharge to the downstream (under extreme hydrological situations) / A.A. Atavin, A.T. Zinoviev, A.V. Kudishin // Proc. Intern. Conf. ‘Fundamental problems in water and water resourses research and utilization”. – Irkutsk: IG SB RAS Publishing House, 2005. P. 212-214. (in Russian).
23. Zinoviev, A.T. Oxygen regime of Lake Teletskoye: simulation and in-situ data / A.T. Zinoviev, V.V. Kirillov, K.V. Marusin // Proc. Intern. Conf. “Fundamental problems in water and water resources research and utilization”. – Irkutsk: IG SB RAS Publishing House, 2005. P. 416-418. (in Russian).
24. Atavin, A.A. Regulation of discharges into the Novosibirsk hydrosystem downstream reach under extreme hydrological situations / A.A. Atavin, A.T. Zinoviev, A.V. Kudishin // Polzunov Vestnik. 2005. No 4. – Part . 2. P. 95-100. (in Russian).
25. Zinoviev, A.T. Forecast of water quality of deep reservoir for decision making / A.T. Zinoviev, V.V. Kirillov, K.V. Marusin, A.Yu. Andreeva // Polzunov Vestnik. 2005. No 4. – Part . 2. P. 101-106. (in Russian).
26. Zinoviev, À.Ò. Modeling of river-bed processes for the assessment of the dragging effect / À.Ò. Zinoviev, K.V. Marusin, A.A. Shibkikh et al. // Polzunov Vestnik. – 2006. No 2–1. – P. 197–203. (in Russian).
27. Zinoviev, À.Ò. Mathematical modeling of flow dynamics and river-bed deformation in the Ob river part near Barnaul city / À.Ò. Zinoviev K.V. Marusin, A.A. Shibkikh et al. // Polzunov Vestnik. – 2006. - No 2-1. P. 204–209. (in Russian).
28. Zinoviev, À.Ò. Computer modeling of river-bed processes on the multi-branch channel part of Katun river near Verkh-Katunskoye settlement / À.Ò. Zinoviev K.V. Marusin, A.A. Shibkikh et al. // Polzunov Vestnik. – 2006. – No 4-2. – P. 72–76. (in Russian).
29. Zinoviev, À.Ò. Ice phenomena on rivers and reservoirs. Processes, models and methods of calculations / À.Ò. Zinoviev, À.À. Markov. – Barnaul: ASTU Publishing House, 2006. – 132 p. (in Russian).
30. Baldakov, À.I. Hydrological investigations for the establishment of boundaries of water protection zones and riverside shelter belts of rivers in Republic of Altai (according to a new Water Code of the Russian Federation) / À.I. Baldakov, V.P. Galakhov, À.Ò. Zinoviev, Ê.V. et al. // World of Science, Culture, Education. 2007. – No 4. – P. 4–7. (in Russian).
31. Zinoviev, A.T. Computer simulation of stream processes to increase water intake on Altai Krai river / A.T. Zinoviev, K.V. Marusin, A.A. Shibkikh et al. // Proc. VI Regional Workshop “Water resources and water problems in Central Asia and the Caucasus, July 10-13, 2007, Barnaul, Russia”. – Barnaul: IWEP SB RAS, 2008. P. 135-144:
32. Zinoviev, A.T. Computer modeling of river bed evolution (rivers of Altai Krai as a case study) / A.T. Zinoviev, K.V. Marusin, A.A. Shibkikh et al. // Proc. 10th ISRS “Effects of River Sediments and Channel Process on Social, Economic and Environmental Safety, August 1-4, 2007, Moscow, Russia”. – Moscow: MSU, 2007. – P. 463-470.
33. Vinokurov, Yu.I. Mathematical modeling of river-bed processes with GIS-technologies to increase social, economical and ecological safety // Problems of Safety and Extraordinary Situations. – 2008. – No 3. – P. 82-89.
34. Zinoviev, A.T. Computer-based modeling of river-bed deformations on the long and narrow part of river / A.T. Zinoviev, A.B. Kudishin, K.V. Marusin, A.A. Shinkikh // Problems of Regional Ecology. – 2008. No 6. – Ñ. 108-112. (in Russian).
35. Zinoviev, A.T. Numerical forecast of river-bed processes for the site of Ob river in area at Barnaul water supply points / A.T. Zinoviev, K.B. Koshelev, K.V. Marusin,// World of Science, Culture and Education. 2009. – No 1 (13). – P. 12-14. (in Russian).
36. Zinoviev, A.T. Numerical forecast of water quality in the Evenk reservoir / A.T. Zinoviev, K.B. Koshelev // World of Science, Culture and Education. 2009. No 2 (14) – P. 33-35. (in Russian).