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1. Samoilova , S.Yu. Methodological aspects of paleoglaciological study // Intellectual potential of scientists in Russia. – ╠., Barnaul: 2006. – Issue 4. – P. 74-77

2. Galakhov, V.P. Glaciation of Chuya depression during the maximum of the last fall of temperature (South–Eastern Altai) // Fundamental problems of quarter: outcomes of the study and major trends in further research: Proceedings of the Fifth All–Russian Meeting on the Quaternary Study. – ╠.: Geos, 2007. – P. 70-72

3. Galakhov, V.P. Modeling of planned position of glaciers during the maximum of the last fall of temperature (by investigations in Chuya depression) / V.P.Galakhov, S.Yu. Samoilova // Surface, layering relief and rate of relief formation: materials of Irkutsk morphological workshop, readings in memory of N.A. Florensov. – Irkutsk: Institute of Earth´s Crust SB RAS, 2007. – P.180-181.

4. Galakhov, V.P.  Ancient glaciation of "dry" valleys of Chuya depression (South–Eastern Altai) / V.P. Galakhov, S.Yu. Samoilova // Izvestia of RGS. – 2008 – Volume 140. – Issue 3. – P. 35-39.

5. Vinokurov, Yu.I.  On the use of glaciers for the assessment of current humidification (Chuya depression, South–Eastern Altai) / Yu.I. Vinokurov, V.P. Galakhov, S.Yu. Samoilova, S.V. Tsilikina, N.I. Bykov, Ch. Ayurzana // Problems of regional ecology. – 2008. – No 6. – P. 58-63.

6. Galakhov, V.P.  Glaciation of the maximum of the last fall of temperature at Sailyugem mountain ridge (South–Eastern Altai) / V.P. Galakhov, S.Yu. Samoilova  // Natural resources of Altai mountains. – 2007. – No 2. – P. 36-38.

7. Galakhov, V.P.  Modern bottom sediments of Chuya depression  (South–Eastern Altai) / V.P. Galakhov, S.Yu. Samoilova, S.V. Tsilikina, N.I. Bykov, Ch. Ayurzana // World of Science, Culture and Education – 2008. – No 5(12). – P. 32-35.

1,Molodyoznaya St., Barnaul 656038,
Altai Krai, Russia

Phone: (3852) 66-64-60
Fax: (3852) 24-03-96