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Professor A. Tskhai
D.Sc. in Engineering


Phone: (3852) 66-65-01
Fax: (3852) 659797
Mail to


  Research interests

  • water quality and aquatic ecosystems modeling;
  • integrated water resources management;
  • water utilities requlation;
  • application of Big Data Tools and GIS in environmental studies.


Education and Career:

2017 ‑ present: ‑ Chief Researcher, Institute for Water & Environmental Problems, SB RAS, Barnaul, Russia

1996 ‑ present: ‑ Full Professor ‑ Head-Organizer and Holder of the International UNESCO Chair of "Environmental Edication in Siberia", Altai State Technical University, Barnaul, Russia

19871995 ‑ Researcher - Scientific secretary of Institute  ‑ Senior researcher, Institute for Water & Environmental Problems, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS),

19811987 ‑ Research position at the Altai State Technical University

19731981: Studies in Mathematics at the Novosibirsk State University (Student, graduate employee) and the Altai State University (Student), Novosibirsk and Barnaul, Russia 

Qualification & Rewards

 2007: Honorary Staff in the Russian Higher Education (Award of the Russian President) 

2000: Honorary Staff of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education and Science.

1997: IAHS Tyson Award winner 

1996: Doctor of Sc. in Engineering, D.Sc. dissertation "Water Quality Monitoring and Management in River Basin: Models and Information Systems" (Council of the Novosibirsk State University. Novosibirsk, Russia)

1987: Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, dissertation "Self-consistent Model of Nematic Fluid Flow" (Council of the Institute for Thermal Physics, Siberian Branch of the USSR’ Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, USSR)


Membership of Professional Societies: 

2000 ‑ presentMember of the National Committee of the Russian Federation on the UNESCO IHP

1994 ‑ present: Member of International Association for Hydrological Sciences (IAHS)


Scientific journals activity: 

2017‑ present: Science of the Total Environment, Elsevier, reviewer.

2006‑ present: Journal of Hydrologic Environment, co-Editor.


International collaboration and experiences: 

2013 ‑ present: Collaboration in Framework of the Program "IAHS Panta Rhei - Everything Flows" (Proposer of the project "Reservoirs impact").

20052013: Collaboration with Asian scientists (Prof. Lee Soontak and his colleagues) within the International Hydrologic Environmental Society.

20012004: The European Community Program INTAS-2001-768 project "Water quality management information tools for river basins based on environmental and economic considerations" (Leader of Russian part).

2000: Principal Convenor of the UNESCO symposium "Environmental Education for Sustainable Development", Barnaul, Russia.

19972002: The European Community Program "Tempus". (Leader of Russian part of projects).


Research Activities: 

2018‑ present: The Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the government of the Altai region of the Russian Federation, grant ╣ 18-41-220002. Leader and Principal Investigator of the project. 

2005‑ present: Several Federal, Regional and Municipal projects in the information technologies, economic and environmental fields (Leader and Principal Investigator of the projects)

20012004: Water quality management information tools for river basins based on environmental and economic considerations. Leader of the Russian part of the European Community Program INTAS-2001-768 project.

19972000: Development of methods of water quality control in the river basins of Russia with computer decision support system. Principal Investigator of the project from the Federal Scientific-Technical Program "Clean Waters of Russia".

19901995: Aquatic ecosystems modeling. Responsible of project part from the Russian National Program of Biosphere and Ecological Investigations

19891991: Modeling of water quality in rivers and reservoirs. Responsible of the project part from the Russian State Program of Academic Investigations.


List of completed PhD studies under the supervision of Professor Tskhai: 

1.    Ageikov, V. Yu., Development and application of methods of theoretical group approach for mathematical modeling of water quality for freshwater ecosystems. Specialty 05.13.18 - "Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software", Barnaul, 2010.

2.    Mikhailidi, I. M., Creation of territorial information systems based on application servers GIS services. Specialty 25.00.35 - "Geoinformatics", ,Barnaul, 2006

3.    Petukhov, A.V., Diversified system of bank informatization (on the example of Altai Bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation). Specialty 05.13.10 - "Management in Social and Economic Systems", Barnaul, 2002.

4.    Smolin, D. V., Principles and methods of information building and educational environment for learning a foreign language. Specialty 05.13.16 - "Application of Mathematical Models, Methods and Computer Technologies in Research", Novosibirsk, 2000.

5.    Solodky, O. G., Distributed system of information support for water quality monitoring. Specialty 05.13.01 - "System Analysis, Management and Processing of Information", Barnaul, 2002.

6.    Verevkin, M. N., Regulation of water quality in the river basin using an automated information system. Specialty  25.00.36 - "Geoecology", Ekaterinburg, 2002.

7.    Zhevnov, D. A., Optimization of Use of Water Protection Means on the Basis of Modeling and GIS. Specialty 05.13.10 - "Management in Social and Economic Systems", Barnaul, 2006.


Participation in the International Conferences and Workshopsmore than 50.
The most significant scientific forums.


Publications ‐ about 300.
The most significant publications. 


Profiles of Professor Tskhai in:


1,Molodyoznaya St., Barnaul 656038,
Altai Krai, Russia

Phone: (3852) 66-64-60
Fax: (3852) 24-03-96