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Andrey Shibkikh


Phone: (3852) 66-78-93
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Research interests
  • Geoinformatics and geographic information systems (mathematical modeling in mapping, digital relief models, geoinformation data bases) 
  • Hydrological modeling (extreme hydrological situations on rivers)
  • Water objects protection (water protection zones and coastal protection belts)
  • Software development for research activities

Education and qualification

  • 1992-1997 – Altai State University, Mathematical Department
  • 1999-2001 – Post-graduate, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, Barnaul

Employment history

  • 1998-1999 – engineer, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, Barnaul
  • Since 2001 – junior researcher, Institute for Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS, Barnaul 

Participation in the International Conferences/workshop arrangement

  • International Conference "Society and environment interaction under conditions of global and regional changes" July 22-29, 2003, Barnaul, Russia
  • International training conference on the priority trends of science and technology development with the participation of young scientists, postgraduates and students "Modern technological systems in mechanical engineering". November 24-24, 2005, Barnaul, Russia
  • International Conference "Computational and Informational Technologies for Research, Engineering and Education". September 20-22, 2006, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.
  • International scientific-practical Conference "Current problems of man-made lakes and their basins", May 28 -June 1, 2007, Perm, Russia.
  • The 4th International Exhibition and Scientific Congress "Geo-Siberia 2008". April 22-24, 2008, Novosibirsk, Russia.
  • The Sixth International Conference "Decrease of risk and mitigation of natural and anthropogenic emergency situations - priority trends for provision of complex safety of population in the south of West Siberia, June 27, 2008, Barnaul, Russia

International grants

  • The Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research grant, 2002-2004, No 02-05-81013: Ecological and geographical analysis of river basin state under climate and general humidity changes for nature management optimization". Website: Investigator of the project.
  • Russian Foundation for the Humanities and Belarusian Republican Foundation for Basic Research grant, 2005-2006, No 05-06-90604: Comparative analysis of problem medical and social situations in Russia (Altai Krai) and Republic of Belarus. Website: Investigator of the project.
PublicationsThe most significant publications

1,Molodyoznaya St., Barnaul 656038,
Altai Krai, Russia

Phone: (3852) 66-64-60
Fax: (3852) 24-03-96